A burning permit may be obtained at Fire
Headquarters, 47 Auburn Street from 8a.m. to 4p.m. seven days per week. Rules
and regulations will be explained at the time the permit is issued. The fee for
the permit is $10.00 and is valid until the end of the season. Burning permits
are for residential use only and will not be issued to a business. Another option that is available to dispose of brush and debris is the Town's leaf pile which opens on April 1st. The cost is $20.00 for a season pass, seniors pay $15.00. "This may be the safer alternative this year" says Coleman.
Any residents with questions regarding the open air burning season can visit the fire department website at www.auburnmassfire.org or contact the Auburn Fire Rescue Department at 508-832-7800.
Contact: Chief Stephen M. Coleman Jr.
508-832-7800 scoleman@town.auburn.ma.us