Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Auburn Fire Rescue Launches New Media Blog

August 12, 2014

The Auburn Fire Rescue Department has launched a news media blog on it's website titled "The Press Room".

The blog is a resource for news outlets to review current and past activity of the department and to allow quicker access to post press releases. When a press release is posted the departments Public Information Office will e-mail the link to the media instead of sending a traditional press release as was done in the past. This new online format will allow the media to see the release via the web on a smart phone instead of needing products such as Microsoft or Open Office to view the release.

Releases may also be posted to our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Assistant Chief Glenn Johnson designed and manages "The Press Room". To access The Press Room visit our website at auburnmassfire.org and click on The Press Room link at the top of the page.

Asst. Chief Glenn Johnson